Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Preston mentally preparing for what ensues

Preston mentally preparing for what ensues

Workout of the Day

Rope climbs, muscle up progressions, or double-unders


Every minute, on the minute, for 21 minutes:

Minute 1: Wall-Balls
Minute 2: Pull-ups
Minute 3: Box Jumps

Pick a level below 

Level 1: 9 reps each movement/minute
Level 2: 12 reps each movement / minute
Rx+: 15 reps each, 30/20 unbroken, c2b, 24 minutes

Do your best to stick to rep scheme with one of the levels above, if you happen to falter on a certain movement, continue on with reps that are manageable. 

The Athletic Benefits of Caffeine  |  Boxlife Magazine

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