Friday, August 14, 2015


Workout of the Day

Trainers Choice!



Last competition workout announcement:

EVENT 3- Skill Test (Only Rx Teams)

Two minutes at each station, with a 30 second transition period:

Rope Climbs
Ring Muscle-ups
Strict Handstand Push-ups
Pistol Squats

Score will be total reps completed.



Make today a rest day or active recovery day. Maybe do some light rowing/jogging/air bike, and lots of stretching/mobility.

ICYMI: we are hosting a members only competition tomorrow (Saturday) and therefore will not have regular class. PLEASE COME BY AND CHEER THE COMPETITORS ON! Competitors, please tell your family and friends to come by and check it out.

-Competitors and Judges, please be at the gym no later than 8:30AM
-We have hired a photographer to come and take some sweet pics, so sport your CFF swag if you want a chance to be on the home page of our site


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